作者: 唐心武   来源: 北京航空航天大学 年份: 2016 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 焊接   仿真  
描述: Welds are often an essential part of aero space engineering structures. Residual stresses introduced in the welded regions, due to the nonlinear thermal processes during welding, can have detrimental effects, such as stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen-induced cracking and reduced fatigue strength. It is therefore pertinent to simulate the process of welding to predict the behaviour of welded structures from finite element residual stress and deformation result. The base metal is Nickel based-supper alloy (INCONEL Alloy 718) of thin combustion chamber outer casing (CCOC). The simulations are performed with the commercial software SYSWELD+, which includes moving heat sources, material deposit, metallurgical properties, metal plasticity and elasticity, transient heat transfer and mechanical analyses. One-way thermo-mechanical coupling is assumed, which means that the thermal analysis is completed first, followed by a separate mechanical analysis based on the thermal history.This paper introduces finite element methods for the modeling of welds and it depicts a brief history of the simulation of welds. The processes, procedures, and metallurgy of gas-metal arc welding of nickel based alloy are presented in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, the previous finite element analyses of welding are reviewed. The energy and constitutive equations governing a welding simulation are outlined in Chapter 4, while performing welding simulations utilizing the SYSWELD+ software is described in Chapter 5. The residual stress results for outer combustion casing are reported in Chapter6. The conclusion is described in chapter 7.Welding simulations to predict residual stress states require three-dimensional analysis in the vicinity of the joint and these analyses are computationally intensive and difficult. Although the state of the art in welding simulations using finite elements is improve as an advanced method.
作者: 王春侠   来源: 北京航空航天大学 年份: 2016 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 有限元分析   焊接   薄壁机匣   曲面造型  
描述: 了经验,也为薄壁机匣焊接数值模拟提供了准确的分析模型。燃烧室薄壁机匣焊接过程中容易引起挠曲变形,进而影响燃烧室的整体力学性能。为满足研制高性能航空发动机燃烧室的需要,有必要开展燃烧室薄壁机匣焊接仿真
作者: 罗国科   来源: 华南理工大学 年份: 2018 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 切割   热交换器   焊接   飞机空调系统   翻修  
描述: A320飞机空调系统热交换器翻修工艺研究
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