作者: 茶晓燕   来源: 北京理工大学 年份: 2016 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 固体火箭发动机   航空子母弹   二次抛撒  
描述: 随着末敏子弹威力半径的提高,一次抛撒很难把大量末敏子弹均匀散布到较大目标面积,进行二次抛撒成为末敏子母弹抛撒的发展方向。 本文以航空子母弹二次抛撒系统为研究对象,设计了二次抛撒具体方案,选择小型固体火箭发动机作为二次抛撒的动力装置,确定了相应的抛撒机构和发动机总体方案。使用内弹道理论,进行内弹道性能的预估,根据发动机的工作压强,得到了发动机的转速;在以上基础上对燃烧室壳体强度和喷管二维定常流进行仿真计算,确定了燃烧室壳体的厚度和喷管的型面。 在结构方案的基础上,采用经典外弹道理论,建立了子母弹二次抛撒系统抛撒过程的外弹道模型,确定出第一次抛撒条件;通过对第二次抛撒落点散布进行仿真计算后,得出方案的落点散布满足设计要求;对模拟子弹药进行气动力数值模拟,为以后的弹道研究提供数据参考;设计了发动机性能测试的试验方案。本文为具体的工程实践提供了有益借鉴。With the increase of the terminal sensing ammunition’s power radius these years, it is difficult to throw more terminal sensing ammunition over a larger target area only by once throwing. This promotes the development of twice throwing, which is now the research direction of terminal sensing ammunition throwing system. This thesis focuses on the twice-throwing technology of subminution throwing system. The detailed design of the twice throwing system is presented. The small solid rocket motor is employed to perform as the power of the twice throwing system, and then we confirm the collective design of the throwing framework and the rocket motor. We verify the effectiveness of the design via simulation of the rocket motor's interior ballistics, and obtain the rotate speed of the rocket motor. Finally, we obtain the thickness of firebox shell and the model of nozzle through the numerically simulation. According to the proposed framework, we establish the models of exterior ballistic trajectory during the throwing procedure of cargo-projectile using the classic exterior ballistic theory. Through the simulations of the obliquitous angle and the attacked angle, the condition of the first projection is then deduced. The distribution of the falling point is also evaluated by the simulation of moving laws of the sub-projectile, which shows that our design meets the design requirements; The numerically simulations about the aerodynamic characteristics of artillery projectile,will be potential basis for the latter researching in this topic;Finally, the proposed practical experiments scheme in this thesis, which can evaluate the validity and efficiency of the motor in throwing system. This thesis can be used as reference for detailed engineering practice.
作者: 常志远   来源: 北京理工大学 年份: 2016 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: 径向抛撒   轴向抛撒   固体火箭发动机   航空子母弹   二次抛撒  
描述: 本文对航空子母弹二次抛撒系统进行了系统的分析和研究。根据不同的技术指标,设计了两种不同的抛撒方式,轴向抛撒和径向抛撒。前者利用火药燃气抛撒子弹,适用于毁伤半径较小的子弹药的抛撒,后者利用发动机旋转产生离心力抛撒子弹,适用于搜索范围较大的末敏弹等子弹药的抛撒。对轴向抛撒系统进行设计和研究,主要包括三个部分:火药抛撒的内弹道计算,抛撒后子弹药的外弹道计算,轴向抛撒试验。分析轴向抛撒系统的内弹道特性,根据内弹道模型进行计算,对计算结果进行分析,为内弹道设计提供依据;对抛撒后的子弹药、减速伞及伞弹系统进行气动力分析,建立质点外弹道方程组,计算子弹外弹道,研究抛撒条件对子弹落点散布的影响;实验验证轴向抛撒系统技术方案的可行性与可靠性。对径向抛撒系统进行设计和研究,主要包括两个部分:旋转固体火箭发动机设计,抛撒后子弹药的外弹道计算。确定发动机总体结构方案,完成装药设计、内弹道性能计算及发动机整体结构设计;计算在发动机提供的旋转力矩下,子弹的抛撒初速,对子弹外弹道进行计算,研究抛撒条件对子弹落点散布的影响,为径向抛撒系统的优化设计提供依据。In this paper, the twice throwing system of aerial submunition is systemically analyzed and studied.According to different technical target, axial throwing system and radial throwing system are designed. Axial throwing system uses powder as its throwing power and is applied to bullets of small damage range. Using a small solid motor, radial throwing system makes centrifugal force as its throwing power and is applied to bullets of large search range, such as target sensitivity bullets.First, axial throwing system is studied, including three parts: interior ballistic calculation, exterior ballistic calculation and experiment of axial throwing system.Analyze the interior ballistic of axial throwing system, calculate and study the results according to interior ballistic theoretical model; analyze the aerodynamics of bullet and decelerating umbrella, program and calculate the exterior ballistic of bullet-umbrella system, analyze the factors effecting bullets’ distribution on the ground; test the feasibility and dependability of axial throwing system by experiment.Second, radial throwing system is studied, including two parts: design of revolving solid rocket motor, exterior ballistic calculation.Select the structure of revolving solid rocket motor, calculate the propellant and interior ballistic, complete the structure design ; according to revolving moment offered by rocket motor, calculate the throwing velocity, program and compute the exterior ballistic of bullets, analyze the factors effecting bullets’ distribution on the ground, optimize the radial throwing system.
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