作者: 郑阳   来源: 北京理工大学 年份: 2016 文献类型 : 学位论文 关键词: C8051F020   多路光度信号采集   TCP/IP协议  
描述: 航空警示灯性能的测量和校准是民航安全的重要问题,具有非常重要的实用价值。本文介绍了一种航空警示灯性能测量系统,能够在白昼和黎明/傍晚背景光环境下对航空警示灯的性能——光度量空间分布特性、时间分布特性和色度特性,进行快速准确的测量。 该系统采用基于TCP/IP协议的网络化并行瞬态变角光度色度测量技术。使用灵敏度高、性价比高的PIN光电二极管作为光电探测器,可以记录光度量的时间特性和色度特性;并设计了专用的机械装置,在球面空间放置光电二极管阵列,以实现对航空警示灯的光度量空间分布特性快速测量。开发了光电信号测量子系统:使用C8051F020单片机作为中央处理器对光度量信号进行多通道并行数据采集和测量;使用以太网络作为测量子系统与PC的通信接口,选用了C8051F020单片机作为TCP/IP协议族的处理器,同时选用成熟的RTL8019AS网络接口芯片作为同物理层电路的连接,组成了网络通信接口的硬件平台。开发了基于TCP/IP协议族的嵌入式控制程序。使用LabWindows CVI虚拟仪器软件开发平台开发出基于以太网络接口的数据交互及设备监控软件。文中详细阐述了各部分电路和软件的设计,以及若干关键技术环节。经过测试,该系统基本达到了设计要求,并通过了中国计量科学研究院的项目验收。 另外,还对系统的便携化进行了方案原理实验验证,重点对激光测距的原理、频率合成技术和相位检测技术进行了理论分析,提出了便携式测量系统的测量方案。同时对激光器的调制电路、激光的接收电路、调制信号产生电路、混频电路、相位检测方法进行了实验,成功地验证了便携化测量方案的可实行性。 The measure of the performance of aerial flash lamp is very important to the security of civil avaiton. This paper introduces a measuring system for the performance of aerial flash lamp. It can quickly and accurately measure the performance of aerial flash lamp: the space distribution characteristic, the time distribution characteristic and the chromaticity characteristic under all kinds of background. The system uses high performance and high rate of performance to price PIN photoelectric diode as the detectors, to measure the time distribution characteristic and chromaticity characteristic. In order to measure the intensity space distribution of aerial flash lamp, we place a series of photoelectric detectors on X and Y two directions around the lamp by using a mechanical base. Design a multi-channel photoelectric signal measuring system: Using single chip microcontroller C8051F020 as central process unit, the system can acquire and process data of luminosity in multi-channel. Meanwhile, it can communicate with PC via an Ethernet Controller RTL8019. We also design the embedded software which is based on the TCP/IP protocols, and the system control software which is programmed in Lab Windows/CVI. Minutely in the thesis expound the design of every part of the circuits and the project of the program that is embedded in MCU and developed in PC. And some key technology elements and their realizations are given in detail. With the above design having taken into the experiments, the system basically achieves the design require of performance, and passed the project appraisal. In the end, the paper introduce the research about the portability measuring system: Analyze the theory of phased-shift laser rangefinder and relative technology. Propose a portability measuring system project and validate the feasibility of this project.
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